Stir Crazy

Stir Crazy

Profile Info

Finishers: None
Theme Song: None

Career Highlights

Win/Loss/Draw Record: 7-1-0
Total Matches: 8
Title History: WFA Brooklyn Hardcore Champion

Theme Songs

Career Summary

Perhaps the quickest superstar to rise through the ranks in 2004, Stir Crazy had made his mark early on by winning the WFA Brooklyn Hardcore Title. A title most fitting for this superstar, Stir Crazy was willing to do whatever it took to defend his title. Putting himself through countless door matches and hardcore bouts, he was able to stand up against other top superstars like Sean Sation in a match some would call an invincible door match.

At Wrestlefest II, Stir Crazy defended his title against both Twilight and Impact, two superstars who were part of the Alliance. This led everyone to believe that Stir Crazy was walking into a handicap match up. If it wasn’t for the problems of greed that arose between Impact and Twilight, Stir Crazy might not have walked out of Wrestlefest still Brooklyn Hardcore Champion.

He decided to take a leave of absence from WFA in 2005 but he made his return appearance by hitting Sinister with the Stirred Not Shaken at Wrestlefest III, allowing Sean Sation to win the Brooklyn Hardcore title.

Career History