Jimmy Watts

Jimmy Watts

Career Highlights

Position: Commentator

Profile Info

Gay Brother of: Eric Watts & Joey Cash
Theme Song: Marcia Griffiths – “Electric Slide”

Theme Songs

Career Summary

It is impossible to explain the actions of this commentator, but if there is one thing to be said about his performance it is simply entertaining. Jimmy Watts is often the straight shooter, doing the play-by-play calls in the match as he sees them, rarely taking cheap shots at superstars. However, Jimmy Watts sometimes takes the announcing in his own direction, telling stories of his escapades with many types of people, animals and often-questionable objects.

Career History

01: Turmoil Jimmy Watts and Joey Cash Intro
19: Wrestlefest IV Jimmy Watts and Joey Cash Show Preview

13: Wrestlefest V Intro w/ Jimmy Watts and Joey Cash